Remote Energy Healing Methods: Biofield, LebensTransfer, and Sanjeevini

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The power of remote energy healing methods

Imagine, you are traveling and do not have to worry about anything happening to you on your journey. If you would become ill, you could just send a SMS and inquire for a distance healing of and within a couple of days, or even sometimes within a few hours you are feeling relief from your symptoms. 

Actually, I have experienced this the first time, when I was travelling in India. At that time I was client myself for the Biofeld-healing method, and in the mean time I became a Biofeld therapist myself. I am also offering similar healing techniques now in addition, the LebensTransfer and the Sanjeevini Healing System. All three systems cannot be applied only when you are travelling, but actually, anytime.

If you are new to these modalities,  you are welcome to read this article. Even if you know a bit, but are not quite sure about the differences of these methods, this article can be helpful for you. A lot has happened in recent years, and not everyone is aware of the latest developments. Please note that these are energy support methods.

I still work with the blood drop for the Biofield test and for Life Transfer. New, I now also offer remote treatments through Sanjeevini healing vibrations (no blood drop is needed for this, and this is a completely independent healing method!).

For each remote energy healing treatment, I choose the best method for you that your system prioritizes and promises the best possible result. If you have any complaints, you can contact me, and I will select the best healing method for you.

Biofield Test and Regulation

With the Biofield test, I find the causes of symptoms such as microbes, pollutants, or inner conflicts that cause complaints. Using a blood sample, I can harmonize these causes regulation by regulation. This type of healing is considered energy and quantum healing. The blood drop remains connected to the client, allowing me to test information and transmit healing through it.

Typical instances that can be diagnosed and treated with the Biofield test (the list is not exhaustive):

  • Food compatibility testing

  • Cosmetics compatibility testing

  • Body water balance

  • Exposure to electromagnetic smog

  • Exposure to earth radiation (geopathy)

  • Allergies and intolerances

  • Acute and chronic pollutant exposure

  • Acute and chronic exposure to microbes

  • Psychological stress and inner conflicts

  • Organic stressors

  • Diagnosis and treatment of diseases

  • Determining the causes of diseases

  • Diagnosis of genetic and epigenetic disease factors

  • Identifying suitable medications and therapies

  • Therapy priority in various diseases

LebensTransfer Regulation

This remote energy healing method does not focus on the causes of symptoms but on the energy needed for healing. For example, for a client suffering from fatigue after a COVID-19 infection, I do not test for individual viruses and organs but directly transmit the needed healing vibrations. A blood sample is also required here, and the healing follows the same principle as the Biofield test.

Typical applications for LifeTransfer (not exhaustive):

  • Resolving healing blockages caused by chronic viruses and fears

  • Emergency program for injuries or sudden symptoms (please notify me by SMS within the first 1-2 hours) for intensive self-healing

  • Emergency program for injuries or sudden symptoms if notified after 3 hours

  • Supporting organ self-healing

  • Programs for anxiety blockages and chronic illness and stressors

  • Light body programs for organ treatment

  • Protection programs during hospital stays

  • Programs during or after COVID-19 infections and vaccinations

  • Combinations for cancer and chemotherapy

  • Resolving shock and burdens caused by trauma, triggers from the past, old memory patterns, and the like

  • Support in difficult court appointments, job interviews, and exams

Sanjeevini Healing 

This spiritual healing method from India represents a profound path to healing and mental well-being. It is based on energy healing and uses targeted prayers and intentions to direct healing energy to people, plants, animals, and situations. For this method, I only need your name on a piece of paper.

The Sanjeevini healing system uses cards with specific prayers and intentions representing various aspects of healing, such as organs, body systems, diseases, emotions, and spiritual values. These can be combined for any complaint. Sanjeevinis can also be used in difficult situations, such as for family, relationships, conflicts, or disputes at work.

For any stress in your life, I can test what organs and systems, diseases, emotions, and spiritual values I can combine. For someone wanting to quit smoking, for example, I might combine “nicotine addiction,” “cleansing & kidneys,” “addictions,” “protection and security,” and “optimal, healthy self-esteem.”

Typical applications for the distance energy healing system of the Sanjeevinis are (not exhaustive):

  • Support for acute and chronic illnesses

  • Strengthening the immune system

  • Relief of pain and inflammation

  • Promoting the healing of injuries

  • Reducing stress and promoting relaxation

  • Support for anxiety and depression

  • Resolving trauma and emotional blockages

  • Improving self-esteem and inner balance

  • Promoting meditation and inner peace

  • Harmonizing interpersonal relationships

  • Improving the health of plants and animals

  • Preventing diseases and imbalances

I hope this information is helpful and provides clarity about the possibilities of remote regulation. If you have any questions or wish to request a remote regulation, please feel free to contact me.

More information

Please refer to my website on more information of the various modalities:

LebensTransfer Therapy

Biofield Therapy

Sanathana Sai Sanjeevini

Here is an overview of various YouTube videos I have created in the past about remote regulations. They provide an insight into each method. If you haven’t subscribed to my channel yet, please do so now. Then you’ll receive a notification for new videos, and it helps spread these methods. Thank you very much.

Find here videos from my channel about Biofield & LifeTransfer:

Video about the Sanjeevinis:

Filed under Tips & Articles

Sandra Veronika Gross is a healer, yoga teacher and medium. She helps people with a busy schedule to engage in a healthy lifestyle in their own pace to be full of joy, follow their intuition and experience inner peace.