Intuitive Readings

Psychic Readings

With a psychic reading you will receive a reading from your own soul. Sometimes we cannot hear the messages contained within our own soul and I would receive those words from your soul and convey them to you. You can then access a higher perspective to your usual thoughts and decide if those words feel true to you. As I am trained in being an evidential medium, you will then have the opportunity to say “yes” or “no”, to acknowledge if the information feels right to you, or not. Psychic readings tend to be about you and your life, and what I am perceiving from your soul, and your soul’s perspective. The intention of the reading is to assist you in connecting to your own soul, so that you can feel more empowered to comfortable in determining what your next steps will be.

Mediumistic Readings

With a mediumistic reading you will receive a reading from a spirit soul; a soul who has already passed over. My reading will start with making contact with and establishing a connection with you and with that person. You will confirm, if you recognize the person by answering “yes”, “no”, or “I don’t know” to the factual and emotional information that I receive from the person in question. We will receive messages, if this is the intention of the spirit person. Of course, there is no guarantee that a specific spirit person will turn up. Mediumistic readings are about the life of the spirit person and the message that he or she might have for you.

Archangel Metatron Readings

An Archangel Metatron reading is an intuitive reading with connection to your soul and Archangel Metatron. The reading will be about questions that you may have in your life. The readings purpose is to connect you into your own soul and about you, feeling empowered to move on in your life. I am using the two Metatron card decks by Amanda Ellis to support the reading and to also give you a visual of the energies that I am reading.

About my Readings

I am a natural born intuitive, who has been working with several different healing modalities over the years. There is so much information available to us, that we are not accustomed to accessing. I have found myself most useful as a conduit who is open and available to higher realms. We are often able to access this more subtle psychic information and links to the spirit world, through our connection. If you are reaching out to me, it is most likely because our connection will be a productive and inspiring one. It is always a fascinating adventure!

It is not a part of my work to give advice, predict or give any diagnosis. I appreciate your comprehension and respect for my practice.

Rates and Conditions

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