Southwood Healing

In Southwood Healing Therapy by Malcolm S. Southwood physical healing, emotional and spiritual healing is addressed. In a session the approach is on harmonizing body, mind and spirit. The healing modalities include working with the subconscious mind to remove the cause of a problem.

In a session the client first talks about his or her request. In the session the cause of a problem will be identified and not only the trigger of the symptoms and the symptoms themselves. The problem can be physically, emotionally or spiritually. 

Once identified, we apply the appropriate healing methods to remove the cause of the problem. Techniques that we are using can be rebirthing, non-medical hypnotherapy, guided visualization, trauma relief, regression, retrieving soul energy, releasing of unwanted energies, and spiritual healing amongst other modalities that are suited for you.

The client stands or sits during the session. We I am working with my hands without touching the client.

A typical healing therapy session can be booked to find relieve for example in:

  • Physical conditions such as pain, stress, migraines, whiplash, tinitus, etc.
  • Conditions based on childhood traumas, such as panic attacks, postural problems, eating disorders, phobias, allergies, back pain, chronic tiredness, etc.
  • Problems based on not optimal birth, e.g. fast or slow births, early births, Postpartum Depression
  • Finding and healing emotional causes of a problem
  • Releasing shock, still stored in the body
  • Elimination of unwanted and foreign energies
  • Healing emotional illnesses, e.g. phobia, hoarding, bulimia, …
  • Retrieving soul energy after the end of a partnership
  • Healing prolonged loss and grief
  • Burn-out therapy and stress management
  • Problems based on past life (not very often, 99% of problems originate in this life)
  • Using elemental energy earth, water, fire, air, cosmos for balance
  • Balancing your chakras
  • Balancing your feminine and masculine energies

Benefits of the personal Healing Therapy Sessions

Working one-to-one gives the private space needed for having a look into issues that you consciously wouldn’t know the cause for. Every client is unique and treated in a way that is suiting to this individual needs. The healing energy can be spiritual, emotional and/or physical and is governed by a higher force than normal consciousness.

About my teacher Malcolm Southwood

“As a professional healer Malcolm has worked in the UK, America, Germany and Switzerland with running workshops for professional therapists, doctors and the general public. He has on three occasions lectured at the World Presidents Organisation, as well as lecturing and working in hospitals in America and Switzerland. As a consultant to healing professionals as well as personal healing, Malcolm now confines his work to his home town in the UK, treating and advising on a variety of conditions involving physical, emotional, and spiritual issues too numerous to mention.” – from Malcolm’s website

“I believe in a loving, creative Spirit existing through all that is, guiding and assisting the many creations in spiritual evolution to ensure creativity and love in place of destruction and selfishness.

I believe that we are nothing without this presence of guiding love and that the purpose of being on this planet is what we can do for others.

All life is subject to its own laws. Happiness motivates it, Gentleness sustains it, Love nurtures it. Happiness, Gentleness and Love, these are the motivations in all life.” – Malcolm Southwood

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