This is the third video in the Chakra Balancing series.
In this video you will find information about our three levels of consciousness and chakras and a guided color breathing. I show you how to find out which level of consciousness is out of harmony in regards to a challenge in your life and which chakras that affects. Color breathing is one of many tools you can use to bring your chakras more back into balance. I wish you much joy with it!
You can watch the video with English or German subtitles.
00:00 Introduction
00:25 Our three levels of consciousness: subconscious, conscious, superconscious.
02:36 The unconscious
05:54 The unconscious and color breathing
11:00 The unconscious and music
11:30 The conscious
11:53 The superconscious
12:44 Conclusion
For information about Southwood Healing Therapy on site, please visit my website:
I am trained and certified directly by Malcolm Southwood.
Information about Metatron Colour Healing with Chakra Balancing on site or via distance therapy:
I am certified as a Metatron Colour Healing Practitioner and have completed my training with Amanda Ellis (UK).
You can watch this video with German and with English subtitles.
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Source of picture in the video: Seven main chakras Dekel, 2010. Reproduced under Creative Commons licence.