Dear friends,
I hope this email finds you well and happy at the end of 2011, and that you can all relax, and be happy, and full of joy.
This is my first newsletter since June, as I stopped teaching in June, and went to Bali for a while. From there, I came back with a couple of new ideas, and I am so happy to share them with anyone of you, who would like to come to my new yoga and meditation class, starting in January 2012.
I will do something different this time, I will do mainly a class combined of laughter yoga, and dancing meditation, followed by relaxation. Once or twice a month I will teach a classical hatha yoga class, with a reading from a classic yoga text, meditation, simply sitting, and asanas, just as I always used to teach so far.
I will be teaching at Yoganation, Seefeldstrasse 7a, 8008 Zürich, please have a look at
If you are currently looking for a new book to read over Christmas, I can highly recommend one book called “Gespräche mit dem Meister”, which my ayurvedic doctor recommended in a seminar. One sentence from this book, which I really love is: “Think less and love more, in your case it is the best advice for you”. Maybe it makes you happy, too.
So, I am wishing you all the best for Christmas 2011, the New Year 2012, and beyond!
Love and peace,