Today you will find a couple of my favorite recipes that are healthy and well-combined. Many authors stress how important it is not to mix foods from different food categories and the following recipes follow that principle.
The recipes from this post are from Natalia Rose. All her books are excellent but if you want to get an overview of her method I would start with “The Raw Food Detox Diet” and “Detox4Women” (also applicable for men). Both books also include non-vegetarian and cooked meals. The first book lays out in detail principles about nutrition and cleansing that you can apply for the rest of your life, not just for a short-term cleanse. “Detox4Women” takes the principles and applies it to a yeast & fungus cleanse.
This is what I do when I work with clients, as a Rose Program Certified Counselor. Natalia Rose trained us how to apply the (universal) principles to specific health related situations of our clients as she did exemplary in “Detox4Women”.
Another excellent book is Andreas’ Moritz book “Timeless secrets of Health and Rejuvenation”. It is very comprehensive. His food recommendations differ from Natalia’s and as my clients and I are following Natalia’s program with so much success already for some years, I would recommend to stick to what Natalia found out and find accompanying background knowledge and healthy guidelines from “Health and Rejuvenation”.
Other favorite books of mine include: Norman Walker’s books “Become younger”, “Colon Health” and his books about vegetable juices and salads. Marianne Williamson gives you spiritual tools around food habits in her book “A Course in Weight Loss”. There are so many more!
The more you get into healthy food and habits, it is fun and you never want to go back!
Natalia’s Classic “Green Lemonade” by Natalia Rose
Juice the following ingredients:
- 1 head romaine lettuce or celery
- 5 to 6 stalks kale (any type)
- 1 to 2 packets of stevia or liquid Nu Naturals stevia drops (optional, as needed for sweetness)
- 1 whole organic lemon (you don’t have to peel it)
- 1 to 2 tablespoons fresh ginger (optional)
Pumpkin Pie in a Bowl by Natalia Rose
My favorite to bring along in family yoga workshops, kids and grown-ups, both love it! Blend the following ingredients:
- 32 ounces fresh carrot juice
- 1 cup raw sweet potato, peeled and cubed
- 1 to 2 packets or drops of Nu Naturals liquid stevia to taste
- 1/2 avocado, pitted
- 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice