Books about Yoga
Paramhansa Yogananda: “The Autobiography of a Yogi”
Gregor Feuerstein: “The Inner Dimensions of Yoga”
Ramana Maharishi: “Sei was Du bist”
The books of Gregg Braden
Jack Hawley: “Bhagavad Gita”
Roger G. Lanphear: “Der Kurs zum Selbst – In Wahrheit und Liebe von Babaji”
Ayurveda, Health and Nutrition
Natalia Rose: “The Raw Food Diet”
Natalia Rose: “Detox4Women”
Natalia Rose: all other books
Constanz Kiffmeyer: modern ayurveda (in German)
Dr. Norman Walker: “Colon Health: The Key to Vibrant Health”
Andreas Moritz: “Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation”
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov: “Yoga der Ernährung”
David Servan-Schreiber: “Die neue Medizin der Emotionen”
Asana Practice
Orit Sen Gupta and Donna Hollemann: “Dancing the Body of Light”
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre: “Yoga für Körper und Seele”
Other Books and Media
Radanath Swami: “The Journey Home”
Elisabeth Haich: “Initiation”
Malcolm Southwood: “Pyramids of the Mind”
Phyllis Kristall: “Die inneren Fesseln sprengen”
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