Rafael Järmann, Heike Michaelsen, and I, we are organizing this summer an event with the international author and raw food expert Markus Rothkranz. Rafael already organized a couple of events for ROHvolution.ch, and Heike is running the page GermanyGoesRaw.
Markus Rothkranz (USA) is one of the worldwide best known and most inspiring messengers of natural health and raw food. This July 14, 2011 Markus will visit Switzerland for the first time and give a talk in Zurich.
Although Markus is from the US, he is bilingual and will give his talk in German.
If you are interested or just curious, have a look at the following link (in German), where you can also book your tickets: Markus Rothkranz
It would be so nice to see you there!
Click here to see the flyer of the event: Markus Rothkranz Event Flyer